After High School...
I meet this mannnnnn named Keith Fulmis. We meet off the Internet from a website called Face the Jury kinda like Facebook. We talked alot on the computer but never meet. He had a picture of him and his girlfriend at prom or something. But he was so cute and I didn't care if he was taken or not! I wanted him!! haha I showed my mom his Profile on Face the Jury and told her "for some reason I know hes the one, I'm not sure who he was but I think hes hot!" She told me to go get him!!! haha. As always my mom always told me I wasn't married yet and I should have fun and date as many guys as I wanted too, even if it was at the time time! haha. I love her! So Keith and I exchanged phone numbers and decided to meet at Downtown Disney at the House of Blues..... He waited and waited and waited because I never should up! I was so scared to meet someone off the Internet. Later that day I felt so bad that i did that and called him back to apologize. We decided to meet up again and TADA!!!
5 years later on July 3rd 2008 a day after my Birthday he POPPED the question at Dana Point Tide Pools and I said YES!!!
June 27th 2009 we had a amazing BBQ wedding
And about a year after that Feb 18th 2011 baby Jett was born!
Hi Charlotte! I wanted to send you a Christmas wish and found this site with your wonderful pictures! We have got to get together after Christmas!!!